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天下音樂家所追崇的能力: 絕對音感(Perfect Pitch)- 六歲前能記憶鋼琴上88個黑白鍵,高質素、好玩、親子幼兒早教音樂課程

Information expired, validity is not guaranteed Last Updated: 2015-07-08 刊登者: GMI


1 - 3 yr class:

Eight Main Focuses in the GMI Music Mind program:

1) Songs that parents can sing in the daily life to train perfect pitch

2) Must-learn nursery rhymes to boost musical sense and English vocabularies

3) Must-know classical repertoire for your child early coding

4) Exploration of different musical instruments including percussion, strings, winds and piano.

5) Playing of Montessorian teaching tools (language and sensory)

6) Parent-child Eurhythmic exercises to build rhythmic sense, to stimulus the brain's vestibular system to enhance learning and to enhance imagination.

7) Fine motor development to enhance writing and instrument playing in the long run.

8) Phonics


GMI 音樂興大腦發展課程的八個教學重點內容:

1) 教導家長如何在日常生活中以歌曲培育小朋友的音樂感及絕對音感

2) 必學童謠以培育音樂感和英語詞彙,

3) 必聽古典樂曲為早期音樂學習打好基礎

4) 不同樂器的探究,包括敲擊樂、弘樂、吹管及鋼琴

5) 蒙特梭利教具操作 (語文及感覺統合)

6) 親子律動以助孩子發展節奏感,及刺激大腦前庭覺的發展,建立親密感

7) 小肌肉發展以助寫字及日後樂器演奏

8) 英文拼音





3-4 yr class:

The class is divided into four modules. (12 lessons per module) Content based on the book: Music Theory for Young Children Book

Through the whole year program, your child will :

1) Know >50 English/ foreign language songs that the child will play on the piano later when their fingers are strong enough.

2) Love singing!

3) Benefited in their English vocabularies.

4) Explore on different musical instruments including percussion , strings, winds and piano.

5) Appreciate >50 Famous classical music repertoires

6) Learn score reading

7) Develop the rhythmic sense

8) be trained for perfect pitch


1) >五十首英/外語歌曲,這些樂曲為日後學鋼琴/其他樂器時必學的樂曲。

2) 喜歡唱歌

3) 更多英語詞語

4) 不同樂器的探究,包括敲擊樂、弘樂、吹管及鋼琴

5) 欣賞>五十首古典名曲

6) 讀樂譜

7) 讀拍子,建立良好節奏感

8) 聽音,建立絕對音感



研究已發現早教對三歲前嬰幼兒發展的重要 :

Researches on Brain development has proven the importance of early training of a child before three years old:



They reviewed that Music is the best tool to increase these toddler’s brain plasticity and enhance the physical growth of Glia.  Music activity stimulates various areas in brain at the same time, most importantly language and hearing in child’s development.




The program aims at nurturing your toddler with good musical sense, discipline and social skills via Singing, Instrument playing, Eurhythmics, Sensorial exploration and Rhythmic training.  It will be a class emphasizing on giving hints to nurture your toddler in daily life at home and on choice of music for them. 





Your child will be benefited intellectually by playing with various Montessorian Learning Tools under the guidance of the teacher.  Moreover, the program focuses on your child’s fine motor development in order equip them for playing of the musical instruments in the future.




GMI Founder & Principal


Miss April Liu

Miss April Liu was the music panel head of a famous primary school in Hong Kong.  She obtained her bachelor’s degree in music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), majoring in piano performance and minoring in voice. She received the Machiavelli Scholarship in 1999 to further her study of Italian in Siena and Firenze in Italy before pursuing her postgraduate studies in the CUHK (Music Theory). She obtained her Master of Philosophy in 2002. At CUHK, she was the recipient of the Jackie Chan Music Scholarship (1998, 1999), AIA Foundation Scholarship (1998). She studied with Professor Mark Williams at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and had completed the Kodály Concept Basic Certification Programme (Early music training for preschool, nursery and primary school children) with her performance classified as Excellent

April has two kids, Aria (four years old) and Zyon (two year old). She resigned from her music panel head post in 2012 in order to spend more time with her two kids. She hopes her two kids will grow musically, spiritually, healthily and happily.  She is very interested in the Montessorian teaching methods in recent years and she was a member of the Little Montessorian in Hong Kong.

She is currenly the Music Director of the Centennial College Choir, a new Choir established by the HKU SPACE in 2013.




Miss April Liu畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,主修音樂理論、鋼琴,副修聲樂,獲音樂碩士、音樂學士、學士後教育文憑,April於香港浸會大學修讀高大宜(Kodály)早期兒童音樂教育證書,並以優異成績畢業。在學期間,成就突出,獲多項獎學金,包括成龍獎學金、友邦慈善基金獎學金、及馬基維尼獎學金到意大利進修。





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[email protected]



  GMI Music 

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