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Daniel Sir (英語語言學碩士) D.S.E.英文備戰班、初中英文課程及小學呈分試英文精讀班。小學英文專科班:主攻英文文法、詞彙、閱讀理解, 英文呈分試。

Information expired, validity is not guaranteed Last Updated: 2014-07-11 刊登者: Polar Bear EngClassroom

電話: 5542-5406  
網址: http://www.polarbearenglish.com




Daniel Leung 為土生土長的香港人,出身於基層家庭,父母均不懂半句英語,中學時代自強不息,於循道衛理教會中學努力學習,連續六年上、下學期均全級第一名,考獲共12次全級第一名,獲獎學金共12次。自中教學時代迷上英語,20多年來醉心研究英語文法。於世界首屈一指之語言學研究中心 The Halliday Center 進行系統功能語言學之研究。
留學於加拿大York University及歐洲Tallinn University Daniel 擁有5年高中教學經驗,於港島區不同中學(Band 1-Band3)出任學位英文科教師,及後於香港專業教育學院出任商業英語傳意講師,超過10年補習經驗,深入了解香港中學教育體制,香港的英文課程及英文科的考核內容。Daniel 於2014年開辦Polar Bear English Classroom 為小一至中六提供香港最優質的英文補習課程。Daniel 成立Polar Bear 的目的只有二個: 1) Daniel要他的所有學生在本地中小學的英文科考試中有所進步 2) Daniel要他的學生帶著一個笑容下課,慢慢愛上英文。只有愛上英語,才會學得好!


(中四至中六)DSE 惡補課程(適合自問英文差,現在想努力追上的你)

準備考DSE 的你,是否發現,現在你的英文程度只有小學3或4年級的程度, 甚至更低呢? 不用怕! Daniel 成立惡補課程在於幫助一些未有基礎能力的中四及中五同學,教授基本而必須要認識的生字,句子結構及基礎文法, 從而慢慢開始閱讀簡單的文章,書寫合規格的文體。 當同學有了一定的語文基礎後 (約6個月),便可試做合適中四程度的四份Paper,此課程希望在最短的時間內把同學的英語從新打好基礎,給自己半年的時間刻苦用功,追回應有的英語程度!


(中四至中六)DSE Level 5課程(適合堅決要取Level 5或更高的你)

Level 5課程成立的目的在於協助有志加強自己英語能力的DSE同學進一步提升英文水平到Advanced 程度,同學文章的優劣不在於字詞句法的深淺,或文章的長短,而是文章在其體裁中的合適度(Appropriateness) Level 5課程會教授同學Advanced English ,還會指導同學針對文章的體裁讀者相應地選詞造句,應用於Paper 2, 3 & 4 之中。Daniel 會以5星星的範文作解說,說出其文章在該體裁 (Genre)中的優勝之處,再加以綜合出最強的寫作手法。在佔分最重的Paper 3中,Daniel 會比較不同Level 的學生答案從而歸納出Level 5 程度同學應有的答案,傳授Paper 3最強的答題技巧。



“Reading English books is bored.”
“You maybe a success person.”
“I suggest that she works hard now.”
“Sun raises in the East.”
“Young people like surfing internet.”



Daniel 及他的研究團隊詳細分析及研究香港兩大英文教科書出版商(朗文及牛津出版社)及教育局2004 年頒佈的小學英文科課程指引, 編制出專為小學英文呈分試而設的課程及教材。課程設閱讀理解練習,課堂將讓同學重溫鞏固預學在五、六年級三次呈分試之考核內容,課程編排緊貼小學英文科考試內容,以提升學生運用文法及應付不同文體的能力,以爭取高分為目的。經過本教室安排之閱讀理解教學、文法、寫作與會話的訓練之結合的學習過程,同學的英語文法,閱讀理解及寫作能力定會有所提升。用最短時間從字、詞、句、段、篇入手改善同學英語。

  • 字 — 增加學生識字量
  • 詞 — 教導學生以心理詞彙網有效組織字詞
  • 句 — 深入講解文法運用,教授12種基本及進階句型
  • 段 — 拆解、分析不同段落、句式結構
  • 篇 — 以閱讀帶動寫作,教導學生不同文體 (Genre)的要領   


Two BIG Misconceptions about English Learning in Hong Kong:


Is it necessary to learn phonetics?

NO. It is not necessary. Phonetics is a para-language (the language to describe the target language).

In fact, learning the phonemic transcriptions is more difficult than learning English itself! It posts even more difficulty and hence frustration to weaker students!

Yes, phonics course is a good inception for English learning for very young kids. However, for our parents, what we need is help our children realize the consonant clusters and vowels when they start learning the language. Immersing our young children (aged 3 to 10) in a full English environment is more effective than bringing them to a phonics course in which the whole lesson only focuses on one consonant while not being able to help them ACQUIRE the language system in both sounds and words. For very young children, let them talk to good Native Speakers and let them acquire the language. No explicit learning on phonics is needed. For older children, like secondary students who is not good at English, NEVER take phonetic course! It is even more complicating than learning the target language(English) itself! Phonetics is, in short, a description of how English is pronounced. The problem is: if you do not know how to pronounce it and you are already learning describing the pronunciation of it, it is even more frustrating, like the situation that you learn to describe the feeling of running while you are not even able to walk. Daniel guarantees you that no any single weak student on earth can learn phonetics to "transform" them to a fluent speaker!


Learning English in Hong Kong is the so-called ESL and so we can teach HK students in an ESL way?  
English is NOT a second language, but a FOREIGN language in HK! There is a huge difference between the two.


Learning English in Canada is called ESL, English as a Second Language. Yet, learning English in Hong Kong is called EFL, English as a Foreign Language. The difference between the two is: if English is needed for survival needs such as daily communication and without which one can hardly survive in that city, English is called a SECOND Language. However, Hong Kong is different. We do not need English, as a matter of fact, to survive. In other words, we do not need to speak in English to buy a McDonald meal (whereas English is necessary in Canada for anyone to buy anything from McDonald). English in Hong Kong thus becomes a FOREIGN language. The difference between ESL and EFL brings in a motivational gap between these two types of learners. EFL students have so much lower motivation than the ESL students simply because they see no value (in other words, survival values) to learn English. They learn English simply to satisfy their parents and teachers and more apparently to please the education system, like our students in Hong Kong.



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