1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 市場策劃

Greenbase AD Limited 天比廣告制作 專門户外廣告制作,包括小巴,大小型貨車,各類車身廣告,承辦商鋪及商場廣告安裝工程.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-02-02 刊登者: 天比廣告有限公司

於 1997 年成立﹐憑著多年的廣告經驗﹐由多位廣告界資深人仕創辦的「公共交通媒體製作」及「廣告工程」的一站式廣告製作公司﹐讓客戶能方便快捷及輕輕鬆鬆取得宣傳的成效。

近年來﹐曝光率極高的戶外廣告已成為宣傳首選﹐我們早已成立強大團隊為客戶提供全面的服務支援。我們提供的服務包括有: 製作大廈外牆海報架工程;交通工具媒體廣告;燈箱招牌製作與安裝以及櫥窗佈置。從市場策劃﹐廣告設計以至攝影製作﹐必定能準時及妥善地完成客戶的廣告製作。

GREENBASE 曾創作及製作的部份相片﹐以供參考:

* 電車車身
* 小巴車身
* 的士車身
* 旅遊巴車身
* 小巴椅背
* 的士椅背
* 地鐵幕門


* 燈箱製作
* 招牌製作
* 場地佈置
* 電腦介字
* 外牆帆布廣告
* 商鋪裝飾及製作
* 店鋪裝飾及製作
* 地盤圍板
* 商鋪圍板

公司網址: www.greenbase.com.hk
聯絡電話: 23445000


We are “Greenbase”! “You get it ride, we make it LIVE!” is always the spirit of Greenbase. Founded in 1997, Greenbase AD Limited has developed its expertise and good reputation in outdoor advertising. With over 18 years’ experience and the professional team, Greenbase is providing one-stop and high quality advertising production services to a wide variety of customers.

Our Services

Being established by a group of experts in advertising production, Greenbase has trained and maintained a professional team which provides high quality services to accurately touch your needs in different aspects

Our team is experienced in a wide variety of advertising production works:
Buses (both bus body and interior)
Company vehicles
Shopping malls
Flagship shops
Chain stores

We offer one-stop production service which can efficiently save you time and resources:
Advertising & Marketing consultancy
Media agency services
Project management
Creative design services
Printing and production
On-site installation

Official website: www.greenbase.com.hk
Contact: 23445000



Truck Advertising

Outdoor advertising


Indoor advertising





Greenbase Advertising Limited
聯絡電話: 23445000

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性