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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-06-07 刊登者: Party for less Ltd.


Party For Less相信party可以令繁忙的都市人心情放鬆、愉快。一個成功的party會為賓客和主人帶來無比歡樂及難忘的回憶。我們明白舉辦一個party需要主人家大量心機和時間去準備,當中包括訂食品和裝飾佈置。Party For Less盡最大的努力為客人搜羅各式各樣的派對用品,目的是能節省客人為購物派對用品奔波的時間,可以盡情享受派對的歡樂時光!

Party For Less有超過3000種派對用品,當中包括派對小玩具、精品、氣球、蠟燭、枱布、禮物包裝、BANNERS、掛飾,當中更分有不同主題。我們的宗旨是要為客人提供最好最貼心的一站式購物服務,為客人節省更多的時間。我們價格相宜,更有專人為客人提供免費顧問服務,讓客人的派對盡善盡美!

Party For Less 是你的不二之選!

Our Mission:

Party For Less believes that party can cheer our hearts and relax our stressful life. A successful party brings lots of fun and memories to all the guests and hosts. We always understand that holding a party is not an easy stuff; it costs the host’s full attention for choosing the venue, preparing the food and decorating the venue. We try our best to gather all the party supplies for our customers in order to save your precious time, so that you can fully enjoy the party without trouble.

In Party For Less, you can find over 3000 kinds of party supplies including the party favors, balloons, candles, tableware, gift warps and party decoration with different themes. Our mission is trying to provide the best service and products to all the customers so they will never need to rush about the preparation. We have helpful and skillful staffs for helping customers to choose the right stuffs and we offer the party supplies as a fair price to fulfill all the customers’ wants.

地址 :
( MTR 將軍澳站 A1出口 )
Google 地圖
星期二至星期五:12:00AM - 8:00PM
星期六、日:10:00AM - 8:00PM
電話 : 3403 4812 (劉雪曼小姐)
傳真 : 3403 4813
電郵 :
[email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性