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普通話家教 (Putonghua Tutor)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-01-22 刊登者: cocomax

- 母親在香港從事普通話教學超過10年。本人在香港長大,普通話和廣東話皆是母語。

(My mother has been teaching Putonghua for over 10 years in Hong Kong.  I was raised in Hong Kong, both Putonghua and Cantonese are my mother tongue.)

- 在美國留學期間兼職教授外國學生普通話。

(I was a part-time Putonghua tutor when I was studying at the United States.)

- 本人有5年教學經驗,並於國家普通話水平測試中取得二級成績,屬導師級水平。

(5 years of Putonghua tutoring experience.  Level 2 of National Putonghua Proficiency Test = Preceptor level)

- 對象:小朋友及成年人 (外國人亦可)。

(Target: Kids and adults, including English speakers)

- 小朋友:以遊戲、唱歌等輕鬆方式讓小朋友打好普通話基礎。

(Kids: they will learn Putonghua through games and songs etc.  The purpose is to build a solid Putonghua foundation in a fun way.)

- 成年人:以普通話課本為主,教授日常生活及職場用語,亦可協助學生應付普通話水平測試,讓學生能用普通話自信地及流利地與人溝通。

(Adults: they will learn practical daily-used and business Putonghua based on textbook.  Students who aim at passing the National Putonghua Proficiency Test is also welcome.  The purpose is to let students to communicate in Putonghua confidently and fluently.)

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