1. 88DB
  2. 物業地產
  3. 辦公室出租

出租套房/車位852-51144998 Address Expert 地址專家」

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-07-27 刊登者: yiu

852-51144998 wilson yip

收費簡介Chargeable of fees


Arrangement of examination of books and accounts with         3,000 - 70,000

certify to balance sheet by qualified accountant ("auditing")(xii)
備註: Note

(i)  只適用於公司         For company only

(ii)  只適用於獨資或合夥公司並乎合稅務條例要求

For sole-proprietorship or partnership according to Business Registration

Regulation requirements.

(iii)  以每一份作計算單位 Per each unit

(iv)  包括首年商業登記費 Includes first year of business registration fee

(vi)  包括所有政府費用, 首年商業登記費和其他雜費(以一萬股份為單位)

Includes all of declaration fee with Companies Registry, Stamp duty fee (10,000 shares of HK$1.00 per each), first year of business registration fee and our disbrusement

(vii) 包括草擬周年申報表和有關逞交公司註冊的文件(不包括政府費用)

Includes preparing and filing with Companies Registry in respect of annual return and all documents with Companies Registry such as Form D2a, D2b, R1, Sc1, Sc4 and D4 etc (not include government charges such as filing fee of annual return or capital duty)

(viii)  不包括府政費用 Not include government charges such as filing with annual return or capital duty

(viiii) 不包括厘印費和政府指定的附加文件, 如財務報告等..(以十份文件為上限) Not includes stamp duty fee and requirements of statutory documents from government such as financial statements etc..

(charges for maximum of ten sets)

(x)  包括草擬和逞交除名或清盤所需要的表格

Includes preparing and filing with Companies Registry and Inland Revenue

Department in respect of specified forms

(xi) 包括律師費和雜費 Include lawyer's consultation fee and our disbrusement

(xii) 包括核數師費用 (只適用於私人公司) Include auditors' remuneration  (For private company)
代理申請投資黃金戶口 (開戶只需$280) 1).  每日電郵收取市埸分析、24小時買賣、網上買賣、SMS重要數據提示、交易完成SMS確認、 較低按金要求,指定備用存款可獲取利息  2).  網上電子交易平台黃金交易平台 3).  所需開戶文件: a.有效身份證明副本 b.三個月內住址證明

另外我們亦設有獨立信箱租借服務,閣下可以 24 小時隨時進出收取信件。同時因應淘寶服務流行,我們誠意提供「代收淘寶包裹」以及「包裹轉寄」服務,盡力配合閣下的時間安排。
歡迎各位按以下連結,詳細參閱 Address Expert 所提供的服務及解說。或者,以獲取更多我們的服務資訊。

限時推廣 : 凡簽約12個月的客戶, 均免費附送郵件轉寄服務(每月指定日子2次)

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性