1. 88DB
  2. 表演藝術
  3. 魔術


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-12-05 刊登者: 福音魔術師吳德強
福音魔術師 吳德強

朋友都叫我 T.K.,我來自馬來西亞。我是於1990年在美國讀書時信耶穌的。

我小學時就喜歡魔術,初時學習紙牌魔術,中學及大學時把魔術擱置一邊,而轉為玩音樂 (我目前也是香港基督徒中樂團的成員)。我1998年在香港大學工作時,接觸了該校魔術會,因而重新拾起魔術的興趣,並添置了許多道具。

感謝神的恩典,祂讓我有許多以魔術表演來服事祂的機會。至今,我在公開場合表演魔術已超過 400 場次,其中包括了教會、醫院、護老院、社區中心、監獄、學校等機構,大多數是福音性的表演,有時也藉魔術表演來傳講禁毒或福音戒毒的信息;當然我也經常在生日派對、迎新晚會、聖誕聚餐會、一般嘉年華會及婚宴喜慶等活動上表演。感謝神賜我有語言的能力,讓我在魔術表演中可以用英語、廣東話、普通話、潮州話或福建話與觀眾溝通。我也開過幾次魔術研習班,教導一般魔術及福音魔術。



要把各人在基督裏完完全全的引到神面前。(歌羅西書 1:28)

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom;

that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

(Colossians 1:28)

 Tel: (852) 94602176 (Hong Kong)

email: [email protected]  ----------

     Hello! My name is T. K. Goh. People like to call me "TK".  I am from Malaysia. I like to use "magic" to serve my Lord Jesus, telling people about God's everlasting love and His salvation. People start to address me as a gospel magician (Evangelistic Magician or Christian Conjurer).

I became interested in magic at the age of 10. I started with a few card tricks which I learned from an old magic book found in my father's drawer. Since then, my magic did not develop much because I had been engaged in other business, such as studies and playing musical instruments. (I am also a member of the Hong Kong Christian Chinese Orchestra)

I became more active in magic again since 1998, when I bought a few close-up magic "toys" from a night market during a trip to Thailand, and this provoked my interest in becoming a better  magician. My magic performance has become more and more professional. I now own a considerable collection of magical items, which enable me to perform a variety of tricks and illusions at various occasions for different age groups and audience size.

Currently I am working in Hong Kong. To date, I have performed over 380 public magic shows. The size of my audience ranges from 20 to 800, and includes kids and the elderly. Other than birthday party performances, I have also been invited by various organizations to perform on special occasions.  Majority of the magic shows I performed contained gospel messages. Sometimes I also perform for certain social service organizations, usually with messages, such as anti-drug, E.Q. management messages, and etc.  I am quite linguistic and I can use English, Cantonese or Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) in my magic performance. I am currently a member of  the International Fellowship of Christian Magicians Inc. (Membership No. 11551-02) and the Fellowship of Christian Magicians of Hong Kong  (Membership No. 00-14).

 This is me ---- 3M : Malaysian, Magician, Musician  ---- Bring people to Jesus !!!

If you would like to invite me for a magic show, please feel free to contact me:

---------- Tel: (852) 94602176 (Hong Kong); email: [email protected]  ----------

  The following is a Chinese description about me: 

 TK met some of the famous magicians; they are all internationally well-known!

Magic Fukai (Japan) Johnny Thompson (USA) 




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