1. 88DB
  2. 物業地產
  3. 商務中心

Office Plus - 型格辦公室出租/租寫宇樓/租Office/商務中心/Business Centre, 包全套傢俱及設備, 黃金地段, 交通便利! 租期靈活, 即租即用!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-12-27 刊登者: officeplushk


Office Plus 全包即租即用辦公室,配以全套傢俱及設備,並預設寬頻網絡,30分鐘即可開業,租期靈活,讓您輕鬆專注拓展業務!

Office Plus 時尚辦公室,配以全套傢俱及設備,是中小企及創業人士不二之選!

- 即租即用,租金全包 (包括管理費、差餉、電費津貼、寬頻)
- 24小時專業物業管理,並備先進可靠的智能咭系統
- 租期靈活,由六個月起
- Office Plus 位處主要商業區 (上環、灣仔、旺角、太子)
- 月租由HK$8,800 起

電話:(852) 6688 6603
傳真:(852) 2978 3788
電郵:[email protected]
Website: www.hkofficeplus.com

Your Hassle-free Office in Style!

Office Plus is the definite choice of work place for SMEs and new start-ups. Hassle free from renovation, furniture purchase and utility arrangement.

Fully furnished units with stylish office fit-outs and office supplies

Ready-to-use and all inclusive package (management fee, government rates, electricity allowance and broadband service)

Flexible lease term from 6 months to 24 months

Office Plus offers you stylish work place with premium fit-outs in 4 prime locations in Hong Kong (Sheung Wan, Wanchai, Mongkok, Prince Edward).

Monthly rental from HK$8,800

At Office Plus, you can simply move in, plug your computer and start your business operations right away!

Hotline:(852) 6688 6603
Fax:(852) 2978 3788
Email:[email protected]
Website: www.hkofficeplus.com



租寫字樓 | 租辦公室 | 租office | 商務中心 | Business Centre | Serviced Office | 上環區寫字樓 | 旺角區寫字樓 | 灣仔區寫字樓 | 太子區寫字樓

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性